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You life is what you make it. It can be hard and torturous or it can be simple and fun. How you decide to do that is up to you. You must find out who you are and and what you want out of life before you can ever make a life for yourself. Otherwise you go through life blind, not really knowing where your going. But once you find yourself you can make your life a whole lot easier.
HighSchool: Rolla High School
Music: I am really interested in alot of various types of music. Not really into just one form. Like life, music is fluid and ever changing so I have been open to different types.
TV: My interest here is simple. I enjoy Smallville, mainly because I have always been a big Superman fan. But I also enjoy other shows as well.
Books: I am a very well read person and have grown in intelligence because of it. I have read controversial books like All Quiet on the Western Front to books like Auschwitz. I enjoy alot of historical nonfiction as well as historical fiction.
Sports: Have not ever really taken much interest in sports but I do watch the occasional football game and baseball game
Interests: My interests vary honestly. I enjoy everything from reading to writing. I also enjoy photography which I do alot of.
Movies: My interest in movies are just like my interest in music. It really varies. I like anything for "Chick" flicks to hard action movies and horror movies.
BestFeatures: My best features. Oh wow. That's a hard one. My best features would have to be more inward features than outward. I would say my willingness to listen and ability to care about other people. And most of all my ability to love.
Dreams: My dreams. That is a good question. A few weeks ago I would have said I have achieved all my dreams. But after alot of contemplating and looking inward I have found that my dream is to learn as much about history as I can and pass that knowledge on to the younger generation through teaching.

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