

  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
  • Zip Code:
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5 ft. 7 in.
  • Body:
  • Ethnicity:
    Pacific Islander
  • Education:
    Associates Degree
  • Job:
  • Has Kids:
    Yes, living with me


I'm the loving mother of a beautiful girl. I spend a lot of time with her, try to fulfill all her wishes, help her when she need. I am a good daughter and sister. I take care of my mom and she is helping me. I can say that we are a really good family; we never stay aside when one of us needs help. I am intelligent. I have two higher educations in sociology and advertising. The second one is not finished yet, can't think of a topic for my diploma. I have friends and I appreciate friendship. I am reliable, generous, caring, and thoughtful. I like comfort and coziness, so I am like a bird making its nest. I may seem reserved, but I have a lot of emotions and thoughts inside. I don't always show them because I don't want to be hurt.

What I am looking for

Every person have their own idea of their partner, and I'm not an exception. First and foremost, he should be a loving man. For me it's very important to love and to be loved. Love can strengthen the bond between two people. Then compatibility and communication. To be able to talk and share our thoughts in an honest way. Besides that, forgiving and taking care with each other is also very important. Trust and responsibility. I judge the people by what they do, not what they say. If my partner has proven themselves responsible and trustworthy, I can definitely rely on them to earn an honest living, educate children and remain loyal. Apart from that, I guess every woman wants their partner to be at least taller than her and be strong to protect her)) to feel secure. I could go on and on about the many other great qualities, however, I am sure that he will be the man who will listen to the silliest things I have to say, understand when I am feeling down in the dark side, Love and cherish for who I am, and always be by my side. Then he will be the most perfect in my eyes.